Apr 24,2017 Special Forum Introduction The unpopularity of the United States is rising around the world, not excluding Northeast Asia. Donald Trump is seen as a loose cannon, arousing distrust in allies and anxiety among potential adversaries that are uncertain of his intentions. Yet, his impact is not a total departure from earlier skepticism and even animosity against the US […] Editorial Staff alliance system , Anti-Americanism , Asianism , authoritarianism , Cold War , democratization , Donald Trump , Internationalism , missile defense , nuclear proliferation
Jun 16,2016 National Commentaries A View from Japan No other diplomatic event in recent years has benefitted Prime Minister Abe Shinzo more than the G7 Ise-Shima summit held on May 26 and 27. G7 summits held annually since 1975 (transforming into the G8 and back) have rarely been occasions to make historic decisions; they are more often occasions for the leaders of the […] Tanaka Akihiko* Consumption tax , G7 Ise-Shima Summit , G8 Okinawa Summit , Global Fund , Health , Hiroshima visit , Infrastructure , Internationalism , Okinawa ID Initiative , Women
Dec 03,2015 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (December 2015) The September 28 Yomiuri Shimbun argued that anti-Americanism is the crux of the opposition to the new law on collective self-defense. Reviewing a book by Miura Ruri (juxtaposing it to Hosoya Yuichi’s writing on internationalism), it credits Abe with the achievement of overcoming grassroots anti-American thinking both in leftist pacifism and in rightist anti-globalism. Deep-rooted […] Editorial Staff Internationalism , Japan-US alliance , National security , ROK-Sino Relations
Nov 13,2015 Review Article Japan and the International Order in the Age of Shifts in Power in the Indo-Pacific Hosoya Yuichi, Kokusai chitsujo: 18 Seiki Europe kara 21 Seiki Asia e [International Order: From 18th Century Europe to 21st Century Asia] (Tokyo: Chuokoron Shinsha, 2012) Hosoya Yuichi, Rekishi ninshiki towa nanika? Nichiro senso kara Asia Taiheiyo senso made [What is Historic Recognition: From the Russo-Japanese War to the Asia-Pacific War] (Tokyo: Shincho Sensho 2015) […] Matsuda Takuya* Balance of power , Internationalism , National security , Regionalism