Aug 13,2015 Alternative Scenarios Positive Scenario I: Five Reasons for a Positive Outcome Unlike the old days when there was a Soviet Union and China and Japan were quasi-strategic allies, today the situation is different. As the world changes, the “good days” of the Sino-Japanese relationship are probably over. However, after a serious crisis over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands in 2012-2013, which sank the China-Japan relationship to the lowest […] Ren Xiao* collective self-defense , Economic Relations , Regionalism , Territorial Disputes , Yachi Shotaro
May 15,2015 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective "Reading Abe’s Washington Visit" A View from Tokyo Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s visit to the United States drew widespread praise in both Tokyo and Washington, but in both capitals a wary eye was kept on the reaction in Seoul. The visit proceeded in a triangular context. Not only were the media focused […] Kazuhiko Togo China’s rise , collective self-defense , historical revisionism , Korea Fatigue , TPP
Feb 27,2015 Review Article ‘Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan’ [‘The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years’] Wakamiya Yoshibumi, Sengo 70nen hoshu no Ajiakan, [The Asian Views of Conservatives over the Postwar 70 Years] (Tokyo: Asahi Shimbun shuppan, December 25, 2014) In the face of an unrelenting onslaught of criticism from Japanese conservatives, the progressive side, led by Asahi Shimbun, continues to make its case. Unlike the era of the Cold War, […] Gilbert Rozman collective self-defense , conservatism , hereditary leadership , Revisionism , Shinzo Abe , Yasukuni Shrine
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum Abe Unleashed? Hardly Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and his LDP chalked up a third consecutive election victory and extended their hold on the Diet for two more years with a convincing win in the snap Lower House election held in late December. While the victory consolidates the LDP’s grip on power and confirms that Abe is the […] Brad Glosserman Abenomics , collective self-defense , Japan-US alliance , nuclear policy , Shinzo Abe , Territorial Disputes
Feb 05,2015 Special Forum The Foreign Policy of Abe Shinzo: Strategic Vision and Policy Implementation On January 5, 2015, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo reaffirmed that his government will continue to pursue a “proactive contribution to international peace” in his first press conference of the new year. When asked about the statement he is anticipated to issue at the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in relation to […] James Przystup , Tatsumi Yuki* ASEAN , collective self-defense , Futenma base , India , Japan-US alliance , ODA , Territorial Disputes
Dec 04,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective Nakanishi Hiroshi* Article 9 , Asianism , collective self-defense , historical revisionism , Japan , nationalism , normalization , proactive pacifism , US
Oct 17,2014 Special Forum Vietnam Among the Powers: Struggle & Cooperation *The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and are not presented as those of the Congressional Research Service or the Library of Congress. Like other countries in East Asia, Vietnam has had to cope with a changed strategic and economic environment forged by China’s rise and growing competition between China […] Mark Manyin Arms sales , ASEAN , collective self-defense , communist party , equidistance , great power rivalry , oil rig , South China Sea , the Philippines , tourism
Sep 29,2014 National Commentaries A Japanese Perspective "Reassessing the Park-Xi Summit" For understandable reasons, the Japanese paid rapt attention to the July 2014 Seoul summit between China and South Korea. Perhaps, the most compelling reason was to see what stance the two would take on issues concerning Japan, especially the territorial and historical consciousness questions. At the prior June 2013 Beijing […] Kimura Kan* China , collective self-defense , Japan , joint ceremony of remembrance , missile defense , National identity , National security , public opinion , South Korea , Southeast Asia
Sep 12,2014 Topics of the Month Japanese Politics Concerning Collective Self-Defense – 2 This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site: Hosoya Yuichi* collective self-defense , internationalists , isolationists , pacifism , public opinion , TPP , US-Japan alliance
Aug 11,2014 Country Reports Country Report: Japan (August 2014) On May 25, Yomiuri shimbun carried an article by Kitaoka Shinichi, who had chaired the advisory panel that had debated national security and defense capabilities. With the aim of identifying where the legal system for security relations was inadequate, his panel had found many barriers in the interpretation of the Constitution to acting in collective […] Editorial Staff collective self-defense , New type of great power relations , North Korea card , peripheral diplomacy , propaganda war , Ukraine , Vietnam